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“If we had found you sooner, we could have done even more.”

That’s what Jack Atlasov, Director of Ecommerce Marketplaces at BirdRock Brands, had to say about adopting Kapoq—just two weeks before Cyber Weekend.

Adopting a new technology for your Amazon business two weeks before some of your biggest sales days of the year is no small feat, but Atlasov and his team were up to the challenge. And the results they saw were nothing short of incredible!


Increase in YoY BFCM Sales


ASINs Managed

How Kapoq helped:

  • Kapoq optimized bids automatically, freeing BirdRock to focus on pricing & discounting strategies
  • Granular data and control, SKU-level reporting, tags, and built-in advertising “strategies” improved ad performance
  • Flexible dayparting – Automated & manual scheduling maximized ad efficiency during peak sales

Laying the Foundation

“Kapoq allowed us to do the basics and fundamentals across our large catalog properly,” says Atlasov—and the fundamentals are what led to their incredible success on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. He and his team didn’t have to worry about bids at any level, since their ad strategies were built out ahead of time in Kapoq.

Having Kapoq handle the heavy lifting on the basics of their account meant that their team was able to make more dynamic price adjustments on the fly during this hectic season. Having full trust and confidence in Kapoq’s advertising allowed them to save time and be flexible.

Building Trust

Atlasov was able to trust Kapoq to do the most important things, like adjust advertising bids automatically and prioritize opportunities to add new keywords or automatically pause SKUs with low inventory. By trusting the platform to do exactly what he needed it to do, it freed up his mental bandwidth to focus on other things that require a human touch, like discounting and pricing analysis.

And because BirdRock Brands saw incredible success right away with Kapoq, they were able to trust the platform as they added more products to the system.

Level of Granularity

The level of granularity in how the metrics are reported within Kapoq is important to Atlasov; for example, he is able to check ACoS and TACoS at the SKU level on a daily basis. 

This detail is critical to BirdRock Brands, because it’s how they think about their business internally. “We are presenting the data in a way that makes sense for Child SKU level, Parent SKU level, variation families, etc. Being able to optimize across all those levels is really helpful,” says Atlasov.

Strategies and Tags

Kapoq features strategies and listing tags, which help power users like BirdRock Brands filter down to the exact level they need to see—like BSR or TACOS for certain products within the catalog.

Within Kapoq, strategies are groups of ad campaigns that share the same settings or goals. One example might be a “Ranking” strategy, where you are more comfortable with a high ACoS because you want to start ranking organically on the terms in those campaigns. 

You would group all the “Ranking” campaigns into that strategy, set the overall ACoS target for the strategy, and you’re all set. Strategies make it easy to group your campaigns and performance by their intended purpose, goal, or strategy. 

Tags, on the other hand, are better for reporting purposes. There are multiple levels to Amazon—Parent ASIN, Child ASIN, SKU, etc. Kapoq lets you tag certain records in the platform, so you could assign a “Brand Name” tag to a specific campaign or product. 

This enables you to then filter specifically for those tags to find something quickly. For example, quickly filtering to see all products from a certain brand in your account, or filtering all branded vs. non-branded spend.

Both of these abilities within Kapoq were beneficial to a brand like BirdRock, who has a large catalog of products.


Atlasov knew that BirdRock Brands were leaving money on the table each month by not using dayparting before Kapoq. He used Kapoq’s automated schedule as a starting point to then make an even more aggressive manual dayparting schedule.

However, since then, he’s switched back to Kapoq’s automated dayparting because he saw better results with little effort. 

The ability to manually adjust their dayparting was critical during times their products were on lightning deals or otherwise being promoted during the holiday shopping season. After the promo periods were over, Atlasov was happy to switch back to Kapoq’s automated method because it was so much easier to use, and just as effective. The flexibility of switching between manual and automatic dayparting is invaluable—he can take full control at anytime if the brand needs.

Strategies for Groups

The way Kapoq is structured with strategies for groups of products was appealing to Atlasov, since that’s how they run their Amazon business.

“There’s something with the bidding algorithm, where I notice my inputs are more responsive in the bid output, especially when compared to other companies and bidding tools we’ve worked with,” he says.

With Kapoq, “I feel like I’m in control—I make a change, and I see it right away.”

Jack Atlasov
Director of Ecommerce Marketplaces at BirdRock Brands

BirdRock Brands previously struggled to increase spend in their account without too much inefficiency—a challenge that Kapoq has helped eliminate.


Kapoq gave Atlasov and BirdRock Brands the best of both worlds—successful automations that perform well, and the ability to manually manage their account when needed. This flexibility allows them to be nimble during big sale days like Cyber Weekend or Prime Day, while still maintaining their everyday advertising

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